The Psalm today says that “the Lamb has made us a kingdom of priests to serve our God” (see Rev. 5:10). This is an easily glossed over but significant phrase.

Jesus, the Lamb, has made us a kingdom. This means that we have a king, and that we are under His authority. “Let Israel be glad in their maker, let the children of Zion rejoice in their king” (Ps 149:2). Israel was ruled by God through Moses and the prophets for a time, and then by kings who ruled in God’s stead. Now Jesus, the Lamb of God, has become the high priest of the New Jerusalem. Through His sacrifice on the Cross, He has atoned for all sins. Through His Resurrection, He has demonstrated His divinity. Through His Ascension, He has shown His authority in both His divinity and humanity, an authority which has implications on those who follow Him. Jesus is our King, and we are His kingdom.

As subjects of the King of the Universe (and we will celebrate that feast this weekend), we know that Jesus has a claim on our actions. We are to follow His precepts, the laws which He laid down in the Beatitudes, the Sermon on the Mount, and His other teachings and parables. Our primary allegiance is to Him. This is especially relevant when there is a conflict between earthly authorities and our heavenly king. 

Christ has made us a specific type of kingdom, a “kingdom of priests to serve our God.” How are we priests? Although the ministerial priesthood is reserved for those men who have received holy orders, the universal priesthood is given to all people who are baptized into Christ. As laity we do not have the power to consecrate the Eucharist, celebrate matrimony, anoint the sick, regularly baptize, or hear confessions, but we are still incorporated into Christ, baptized into His death and Resurrection.

This makes us priest, prophet, and king, just as He is priest, prophet, and king. Focusing on the priesthood, as our psalm response does, we know that the essence of this role is sacrifice. A priest is one who sacrifices on behalf of the people, in expiation for their sins and his own. As a kingdom of priests, we serve our King and High Priest, and daily offer our prayers, works, joys, and sufferings for the atonement of our sins and those of the whole world, working with Christ to sanctify creation and bring it to the heavenly homeland for which it was created.

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Daily Reading


Saint of the Day


Saint Sabas

Saint Sabas, born in Cappadocia, was a pivotal figure in early Eastern monasticism, renowned for his devout life of solitude and community leadership.
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