I cannot imagine what the wait for Jesus must have been like for the Israelites. A redeemer who was going to change everything for them: set them free from oppression, cast down the mighty and fill up the hungry. But we know the rest of the story, and how what people imagined was very different from how Jesus carried these things out.
In the Gospel, Simeon reveals: “Behold this child is destined for the rise and fall of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:34-35)
Simeon’s words tell us how God shows up in your life might look very different than how you imagined. The question is, when life looks different than we imagined or is not what we felt we’ve been promised, are we going to grip so tightly to our own vision of life that we lose sight of God and His perfect plan?
The Jewish people imagined being set free from Roman oppression, but Jesus came to set them free from the oppression of sin and the devil and to lead them into a life rooted in love of God and one another. Some people listened to Jesus and changed their ways, but others felt what He preached was too much, too hard and walked away.
Our hearts are revealed in how we respond to what God offers in our life, whether it looks the same or very different from what we had planned. We can choose to rise or fall in faith. Do we turn toward God and follow Him or do we turn away from Him?
The outcome is based on if we limit ourselves to see things the way we want to see them. We need to let go of long-held habits that give us a false sense of control if the Lord is calling us to change. The infinite and all-powerful God is always trying to draw something deeper out of us than we could ever imagine with our limited minds. He asks us to trust in Him.
Simeon trusted, waited and was rewarded. We don’t learn whether Simeon is surprised to meet the Messiah as a baby. We only hear how he believes that he is holding the Messiah in his arms and he is thanking God for the opportunity. We see in him and in Anna hearts totally open, ready to receive whatever answer God was going to provide to their prayers.
The more we resist and say this could not possibly be how Jesus is showing up in my life, the more we will miss the opportunity to engage, learn and become more like Him. When we challenge Him on what He is or is not providing in response to our prayers, we must not refuse to listen to His response, but instead be ready to receive Him in the most unexpected ways.
Daily Reading
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Reading I Jeremiah 17:5-8 Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD….
Saint of the Day
Saint Onesimus
Saint Onesimus, a first-century slave, converted by St. Paul, later became a bishop and martyr, epitomizing redemption and faith.
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