December 7-8, 2024
Religious communities are financially responsible for the support and care of all members. Income, earnings, and expenses are managed separately from the parish and diocesan structures of the Catholic Church.
Only seven percent of the religious communities providing data to the National Religious Retirement Office are adequately funded for retirement; 43 percent have 25 or fewer members. Many small communities struggle to care for elder members due to a lack of financial resources and personnel.
Each year, hundreds of U.S. religious communities receive financial assistance made possible by the Retirement Fund for Religious. Communities can use this funding for immediate retirement expenses or invest it for future needs.
Support from the Retirement Fund for Religious helps religious communities care for senior members while continuing important ministries to the People of God.
At the San Diego Diocese, parishes will have a special collection on the weekend of December 9-10. Please consider contributing.
Envelopes will be in the church and parish office. Thank you for your support.