“Purpose is a transformative approach to confirmation. Multiple components combine [an] impactful curriculum with a powerful digital tool to enhance communication and ease administrative tasks. Coupled with engaging supplementary material for teens and parents, Purpose is more than just a resource. It is a whole new approach to sacramental preparation.”
Lifeteen: PurposeConfirmation.com


Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two-year process for high school students. The program is designed to help Confirmation students come to a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives and in the life of our church, and how they can interact with that Spirit to draw them into a closer relationship with God.

All candidates are called to active involvement in the parish including Confirmation classes, Mass, youth Life Nights, youth group, service projects, retreats, and the desire to grow in the understanding of their faith.

Confirmation formation classes are on Sunday evenings after the Youth-Led Mass. This two-year curriculum guides teenagers through the process of invitation, formation, and reflection leading to Confirmation, and is followed by a period of mission in which they continue to live out the gifts they received through the Sacrament. Each year consists of a twice-a-month class, youth nights, active involvement in the youth group and parish community, service projects, participation in retreats, and a desire to grow in the understanding of one’s own faith. Weekly participation at Sunday Mass, preferably the Youth-Led Mass, is the most important requirement to meet.

Online registration for Year One and Two begins in the spring or summer for the following school year. If you need to request a copy of your baptism certificate from another parish, plan ahead to ensure you have it available before registration begins. For more information, click here: 


Contact:  Youth Ministry Team • 858-653-3591 • youthministry@stgg.org