If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet.”
John 13:14

Peer leadership is essential to our Youth Community. When a student is Confirmed, he or she is welcome to join our Servant Leadership Team (SLT). The mission of the Servant Leadership Team is to help teens develop leadership skills, grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, and ultimately lead others to Christ. The skills they learn, and the experiences they have, will help them to live an “other-centered” life, which we are all called to live.
Servant Leaders strive to possess the following qualities:
- Develop a close, personal relationship with Jesus
- Have love and respect for the Catholic church
- Regularly attend and participate in Sunday Mass
- Have an active personal prayer life and read Scripture regularly
- Be open to using the gifts of the Holy Spirit through self examination and awareness
- Live as a Catholic witness to our community inside and outside of church
Servant Leadership Team Agreement & Requirements

Please click here to register online.
$75 – Retreat.
$75 – Total Due at Registration
Note: No family is ever denied religious education due to an inability to pay. Please contact the Youth Minister for special consideration..
Session Times:
Every other Sunday 3:15 – 4:45 pm