“Hospitality is the way we come out of ourselves. It is the first step toward dismantling the barriers of the world. Hospitality is the way we turn a prejudiced world around, one heart at a time.”
Rule of St. Benedict

The New Parishioner Orientations is a ministry devoted to welcoming new members to our parish community. The orientation provides a unique opportunity for parishioners to engage newcomers, introduce them to our church, meet members of the staff, and encourage active participation in parish life.

Several ministry leaders are invited to give brief presentations about some of the opportunities available to help them become involved at Saint Gregory the Great.

Light refreshments are served.


Rich Abrom . 858-603-9640 . pegabrom@gmail.com 
Peggy Abrom . 858-414-7629 . pegabrom@gmail.com

Scheduled Events 2024

Meetings are held in the Parish Hall.
  • Sunday, January 28, 2024, 12:15 pm
  • Sunday, April 28, 2024, 12:15 pm
  • Sunday, August 4, 2024, 12:15 pm
  • Sunday, October 27, 2024, 12:15 pm

***Meetings are subject to change without notice. Please contact the ministry facilitator for the most current schedule.

House Blessing

If you would like to have your home blessed, please call the parish office to schedule an appointment: 858-653-3540.