Ordinary Time
Jan 13 – Mar 4
The season of the Church year when Catholics are encouraged to grow and mature in daily expression of their faith.
The season of the Church year when Catholics are encouraged to grow and mature in daily expression of their faith.
New reconciliation times are now available! Every month on the fourth Thursday, at 8:40 am after Morning Mass, or at 7:00 pm.
Everyone is encouraged to join the Church in being a visible witness to the healing presence of Jesus alive in the world.
As a tribute to Dcn. Ron, this fund will be used for major capital projects and ongoing maintenance on the church campus.
Reggie will start his ministry here on January 7. Please join us in giving him a very warm welcome!
Time devoted to worship and meditation in the presence of our Lord. Click for schedule and to reserve a time.
Readings for the Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Reading 1 Hebrews 8:6-13 Brothers and sisters: Now our high priest has obtained so much…
Click here for daily readings Do you consider yourself to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Although clearly not one of the Twelve, do you see yourself as an apostle?…
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Church, converted thousands to Catholicism. His spiritual writings influence many. Patron of Journalists, Church Unity.
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