As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord.

What is stewardship?  It is difficult to teach or encourage stewardship unless one has a clear understanding of what the Church really means when it talks about stewardship. If we wish to embrace stewardship, we must gradually learn to embrace every aspect of stewardship. Incorrect perceptions about the word abound. Some people think stewardship is all about money. Some think it is all about service. Some think it is an environmental issue.

In reality, stewardship is a multi-faceted concept that addresses all aspects of our faith and spirituality. The Archdiocese of St. Louis Stewardship Education Council recently produced a Resource Sheet that strives to define the many facets of good stewardship. The Resource Sheet reminds us that stewardship is:

  • Scripture Based
  • Dependence on God
  • Gratitude
  • Giving Back
  • Transformative
  • A Love Response
  • Proportionate Giving
  • Spending Time with God
  • Sharing Talent
  • Giving Treasure
  • Trust in God
  • Accountability
  • Thankfulness
  • Counter-Cultural
  • Discipleship

To read more please click here to learn about each of these elements.  

Contact:  Deacon Ron Diem • 858-653-3582 •

Stewardship Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,

We gather in your name as did your apostles before us. And we live, as they did, in anxious times, painfully aware of sin’s presence in the world; a world in need of your Father’s mercy and love.

As your disciples, we also live in hope, confident that your light is breaking through
the changing moods of life – healing, embracing and transforming as your presence moves deep within us.

Make us better stewards of the great wealth of gifts you have bestowed upon us. And show us how to teach others to open their hearts to those who hunger, thirst or who are strangers.

Refresh our minds, renew our faith, and inspire us to proclaim your Gospel with a new energy in word and in deed for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.


Stewardship Reflection

Does your prayer life support and nurture a life grounded in God’s abundance?

Do you fall into the trap of praying at specific times throughout the day, whereas your prayer becomes “routine”?

Practical Suggestions:

  • Be much more specific and personal in your prayers rather than just reciting standard lines.
  • Keep in constant communication with God throughout the whole day, regardless of what is going on.
  • Deepen your sense of gratitude for all that God has given you.
  • Open your eyes to the many miracles that are occurring around you daily that you may not have noticed before.
  • A wonderful way to give gratitude to God is by praying the examination of conscience daily.

Stewardship: A Disciple's Response


2017 is the 25th anniversary of the pastoral letter “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response”. This document is the foundation of stewardship within the United States. Here are some paraphrased highlights from the introduction chapter to help re-focus our personal and parish stewardship efforts in 2017:

  • “Mature disciples make a conscious decision to follow Jesus, no matter the cost to themselves”.
  • “Conversion of heart and mind is not a single action, but a number of actions over a lifetime”.
  • “Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, it is being grateful and generous out of love for God and man”.

This is a wonderful letter, and well worth the time to read. Click here for a link to the full document or click here to read a summary of the document.

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