“It’s not about the quilt, it’s all about the prayers.”

Prayers and Squares is an outreach ministry that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt.  Many hands come together to create these lovingly made quilts, including members of the parish who are periodically invited to bind a tie and say a prayer for the person it will ultimately comfort.

These prayers are an affirmation of our faith in God and our belief in His power to comfort, strengthen, and heal. If you are a parishioner you may request a prayer quilt for someone who is critically or chronically ill, has serious medical problems, has sustained a critical injury, or is facing serious surgery.

Your requested quilt will be displayed at all weekend Masses. Parishioners are invited to tie a knot and say a prayer for the quilt recipient. The quilt will be placed on the altar during Mass and blessed by the Presider. The community will join in prayer for the quilt recipient. When your quilt is ready, you will receive a telephone call with pickup instructions. Thank you for supporting this ministry!

Note: Before you request a quilt for another person, please make sure that you contact them to verify that they would like to receive a quilt and if they are willing to have their diagnosis shared publicly when we display their quilt for tying.

Contact: Pat Kikendall • 858-771-1167 • thekikendalls@gmail.com