Saint Paphnutius, an Egyptian ascetic, was deeply influenced by the wisdom of the renowned St. Antony, spending years in desert contemplation under his guidance. Later, he was consecrated as the bishop of Upper Thebaid.
During the reign of Emperor Maximinus, Paphnutius faced severe persecution for his faith. He was subjected to brutal punishment – his right eye was gouged out, one of his legs was hamstrung, and he was then condemned to labor in the mines. Despite these severe tribulations, his spirit remained unbroken.
When peace was restored to the Church, Paphnutius returned to his flock. His physical scars were constant reminders of his unwavering devotion and sacrifices for his faith. His staunch defense of the Catholic belief against the Arian heresy showcased his unwavering commitment.
His prominence was evident at the first General Council of the Church in Nicaea, in 325. As a confessor who had suffered for his faith, he commanded immense respect.
Interestingly, despite his lifelong commitment to personal celibacy, St. Paphnutius stood against enforcing it for all clergy at the Council. He advocated for upholding the Church’s ancient tradition, which allowed clergy to marry before their ordination but not after. This tradition continues in the Eastern Churches today, where married men can receive all Holy Orders up to the bishopric and remain with their wives.
Known by some as “Paphnutius the Great” to differentiate him from saints bearing the same name, the details of his demise remain a mystery. His feast is celebrated every September 11th.
Photo credit: Morphart Creation /
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