“You cannot solve the great problems of human destiny – problems which cannot be avoided – without accepting the mission of Christ and availing yourself of the Catholic Church.”
Isaac T. Hecker (“Dr. Brownson and Catholicity,” November 1887; “Catholic World” CW, 224)

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process through which interested adults and older children are introduced to the Catholic faith and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The OCIA process consists of reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment, and formation. Weekly focus sessions, attendance at Sunday Mass, “Breaking Open the Word” discussion groups, and involvement in parish activities, help participants prepare to receive the sacraments and full initiation into the church.

There are four phases in the OCIA. process:

  1. Inquiry: Individuals (Inquirers) join in informal group discussions about the faith and the teachings of the church.
  2. Catechumenate: Candidates for reception into the church learn and develop an understanding of Church teachings and the mystery of salvation.
  3. Purification and Enlightenment: During the Lenten period the focus is personal reflection on religious experience and faith.
  4. Mystagogy: This final period of initiation, the newly initiated experience being part of the Christian community.


Contact:  Deacon Dom Guzzardo • 858-751-4785 • deacondom@stgg.org

2024-2025 Session



If you are interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith, or exploring the idea of becoming Catholic, OCIA may be just what you need. OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) meets Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall starting in September. Catholics who merely want to refresh their faith are also encouraged to join us.

If you want to learn more about OCIA, or have questions about the process, please contact Deacon Dom: 858-751-4785 or deacondom@stgg.org



Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults also applies to unbaptized children of catechetical age (generally seven years of age) as they are considered above the age of reason regarding the sacraments of initiation. The OCIA process is adapted to meet the specific needs of children and leads to the celebration of the three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.

For more information, including eligibility and meeting times, please contact the OCIA facilitator.

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