“Cursillo is an instrument raised up by God for the proclamation of the gospel in our time.”
Saint John Paul II

Cursillo is a movement within the Catholic faith to help facilitate and enhance conversion to Christ and His Church. The initial experience of Cursillo is encountered over the course of a three-day retreat for spiritual renewal, followed by large and small group meetings for continued support and prayer.


Frank Deniston • 619-857-5473 • frankdeniston@gmail.com
Paulette Deniston • 619-857-5443 • paulettedeniston@gmail.com

Schedule of Meetings 2024

Catholic Cursillo

Valley of the Angels Ultreya

Six parishes (St. Gregory the Great, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, San Raphael, Mt. Carmel, Ascension) have formed the Valley of the Angels Ultreya that will meet monthly.

• Not currently meeting.  Contact the ministry facilitator for plans.

Join in fellowship with others in our parish who are currently involved in Cursillo, to see how we all can make a difference in our daily environments. Cursillo is a beautiful gift from God, come and enjoy this treasure.

Come and hear the inspiring witness talks of others, as well as meet and share with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. For more information, contact Frank and Paulette Deniston, the Cursillo facilitators.