Ministry Index A-Z
- Adoration
- Altar Linens
- Altar Servers
- Audio-Visual Ministry
- Baptism Seminars
- Bible Study
- Blood Drive
- Boy Scouts
- Build-A-Miracle
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- Communion to the Homebound
- Computer Help Ministry
- Confirmation Preparation – Youth
- Connection 2 Christ Small Groups
- Cooking Group
- COR Men’s Prayer Group
- Cub Scouts
- Cursillo
- Daily Mass Ministry
- Divine Dining
- Divine Mercy Cenacle
- Donuts and Coffee
- Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
- Faith Formation – Adult
- Faith Formation – Children
- Faith Formation – Middle School
- Family Cancer Support
- Filipino – American
- Gala
- Gardening Ministry
- Greeters & Ushers
- Health and Safety Ministry
- Helping Hands
- Kitchen Coordinator
- Knights of Columbus
- Lectors
- Liturgical Environment
- Liturgical Scheduling
- Marriage Encounter
- Martha’s Ministry
- Mental Health Ministry
- Military Friendship & Support
- Ministry Fair
- Ministry of Consolation
- Ministry of Mothers
- Music Ministry
- New Parishioner Orientations
- Our Lady of Fatima Devotion
- Outreach for Nazareth Orphanage
- Parish Tours
- Prayer Wheel
- Prayers and Squares
- Relevant Radio
- Respect for Life / Social Justice
- Rosary Cenacle
- Rosary Makers
- Sister Parish Outreach
- STGG Food Share
- Special Needs Ministry
- St. Vincent DePaul, Meals for the Homeless
- Vacation Bible School
- Wedding Ministry
- Women’s Book Club
- Women’s Friendship Circle
- Young Adult Ministry
- Youth Ministry
Parish Stewardship Council
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