“A Christian steward receives God’s gifts gracefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.”
Stewardship, a Disciple’s Response
Stewardship is the measure of how we give our time, talent, and treasure back to God in thanksgiving for our many blessings.
Saint Gregory the Great parishioners are invited to be active participants in an array of ministries that serve all aspects of community life. Each Ministry or group has a facilitator, who report on ministry activities to the Parish Stewardship Council (PSC).
The PSC consists of selected leaders who represent a ministry group. The primary mission of the PSC is to represent the parishioners and serve as an advisory council to the pastor on matters related to ministries within the parish. Please click for more information: Pastoral Stewardship Council.
Pastoral Stewardship Council
The Pastoral Stewardship Council is a group of parishioners that work together to serve as an advisory council to the pastor on matters related to ministry; as well as discernment on how to best meet the pastoral needs of the parish. Click here for more information.
Stewards of Christian Formation are Catechetical ministers, both lay and clergy, that assist parents, the primary teachers, with handing on the faith to their children. Click here for more information.
Stewards of Liturgy are to fulfill the mission of the parish by helping the community to celebrate Christ ever-present among us in the Eucharist and in all forms of liturgy and prayer. Click here for more information.
Stewards of Groups & Organizations are geared towards specific interests for particular groups of people. Click here for more information.
The Stewards of Parish Life are social, spiritual, and service-oriented ministries that serve the needs of all parishioners. Click here for more information.
The Stewards of Parish Outreach are a collection of ministries devoted to ensuring that the pastoral care, social service, and judicial needs of those outside the parish community are being met. Click here for more information.
The Stewards of Parish-Wide Involvement promote a welcoming atmosphere through ministry fairs, new parishioner orientations, parish tours, and other parish-wide events. Click here for more information.
The mission of the Stewards of Catholic School is to provide quality Catholic education where gospel values are integrated into the fiber of each school day. Click here for more information.
The Stewards of Parish Development’s mission is to help discern and guide the development of the parish community and facilities in collaboration with the Pastor. Click here for more information.
The Stewards of Finance committee act as an advisory body for matters pertaining to financial administration and allow the parish to operate on a sound financial basis. Click here for more information.