Ah, St. Patrick’s Day, patron saint of Ireland, the man who brought the Christian faith to the Emerald Isle. The saying goes that “everybody’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.” If only the actual saying instead were “everybody is a loving follower and servant of God on St. Patrick’s Day.”
At Mass today, the priest can choose the readings for Monday of the Second Week of Lent, or the Optional Memorial readings for St. Patrick, Bishop. You can’t go wrong, picking up valuable lessons from either set of readings, but the lessons have a slightly different focus. Let’s look at the Lenten daily readings first.
In the first reading, we hear Daniel praying for mercy and healing for his sins and those of the people of Israel, who were exiled to Babylon and subsequently faced invasions, occupations and persecutions. Daniel’s pleas seem like the prayers of a desperate man (see Daniel 9). Beyond the verses read today, his prayers are answered by the Angel Gabriel, who gives Daniel a prophecy about what the Israelites can expect from their God.
The psalm for the day repeats Daniel’s theme, begging the Lord not to deal with us as we deserve. In the Gospel, Jesus gives us a very practical lesson: Not only is the Father merciful, but we need to be just the same. Are you worried about judgment? Don’t judge. Fearing condemnation? Don’t condemn. In need of forgiveness? Forgive others. God’s love is so great and so focused on us that we also need to give love, and God’s love will come flowing in overwhelmingly, in amounts we can never imagine. What an amazing promise.
The suggested readings for St. Patrick begin with the first letter of St. Peter. His advice is straightforward: Be serious in prayer and intense in love. Use the gifts God has given you to serve others for God’s glory.
Peter plays a major role in the Gospel as well. He has fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus tells him to throw his nets out one more time, and he obeys, catching far more than the nets or his boat can handle. His response is one of complete humility: “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Peter recognizes he is in the presence of Someone far greater than he can imagine. Jesus replies, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” How does one respond to that? Peter did it in the most radical of ways: He left everything and followed Jesus.
Two sets of readings, each with a specific focus, but both leading to the exact same conclusion: Love. Love desperately and love radically. Pray, serve, give, forgive out of love, because God loves us first. Be like God. Bring God to others, like Patrick did, from the very love He has for us. St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland (and Nigeria), of migrants, and of engineers, pray for us!
Daily Reading
Monday of the Second Week in Lent
Reading 1 Daniel 9:4b-10 “Lord, great and awesome God, you who keep your merciful covenant toward those who love you and observe your commandments! We have sinned, been wicked and…
Saint of the Day
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick, born in Scotland, enslaved in Ireland, became its Apostle, converting many to Christianity before his death in 461.
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