I’ve often read the Gospels and thought, “What’s wrong with those people? Can’t they see Jesus for who He is?” And then I remember, I could have just as easily been one of those people in the story. Sigh. 

Today, Jesus says that no sign will be given to this wicked generation. He makes the point that even the Ninevites repented when Jonah went to them, but the very Son of God has come to them, and they refuse to repent. Jesus then explains that they will be given no sign except the Sign of Jonah. As Jonah was a sign to his generation, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation. “We’ve given you signs,” Jesus seems to say. “Yet you still don’t believe.”

What about us? Are we basing our faith on signs, or on what Jesus says? 

Signs aren’t bad. I’ve received my fair share of what I believe to be signs in my journey of faith. But Jesus isn’t magic. We must believe in Him because He is who He says He is, not because He sometimes intervenes spectacularly in the natural world. This could look like a miraculous healing, or it could be something much more subtle. These signs are meant to strengthen our faith, not be the sole source of faith. We must remember, despite all the signs and all the prophets who came before Him, that Jesus is the greatest, and there should be no one and nothing else in our lives before Him. 

Everyday, we can make a choice to believe in Jesus or not. In this time of Lenten purification, may we intentionally choose Christ each day. 

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