“Experience has proven the value of the witness of married couples, who live their vocation in light of the Gospel, in preparing couples for marriage. When married couples speak out of their own conviction, …they offer a powerful witness. Married couples who serve in this capacity find that their encounter with the engaged enriches and strengthens their own marriages.”
Diocese of Trenton, NJ


Witness to Love is a virtue and growth-based model of marriage renewal and preparation that integrates modern principles of psychology and virtues to help couples facilitate an authentic dialogue about their relationship.

What makes Witness to Love different?

What makes Witness to Love unique is that the engaged couples choose their own mentor couple. This is a couple they both admire and see as the source of faith formation. This mentor couple gives them a concrete connection and integration into the parish. Through the sharing of the mentor couples’ own journey of love, the engaged couple inherits a “lifeline” of support in their commitment to Jesus and His church.

Ron Medenwald • 619-917-6312 • medenwald@cox.net
Kathy Medenwald • 619-917-6311 • medenwald@cox.net

Witness to Love: A New Vision for Marriage Preparation


Seeking New Mentors

Attention Married Couples!

If you’ve been married at least five years and are looking for a ministry that returns as much as it gives, plus lets you set your own schedule around your family life, we have the answer for you!

Our Saint Gregory the Great Marriage Prep team is looking for Marriage Mentors for our Engaged couples preparing for marriage. Mentors agree to meet at least monthly for six months with their young couple to discuss marriage prep topics as outlined by the Witness to Love Program. Similar to being an OCIA sponsor, mentors journey with the couple as they prepare for their Sacrament, specifically by sharing wisdom gleaned from their own experience of being married. Our past volunteer mentors have all reported that their own marriages have been enriched during the process and that they have developed life-long friendships!

If this sounds like something the Holy Spirit may be urging you to explore, please E-mail Ron or Kathy Medenwald for more details: medenwald@cox.net