Today’s Gospel gives us two examples of Jesus performing healing miracles. The woman who was hemorrhaging blood and the dying child of the official. In both of these stories, we are missing the names of the females. They are both considered unclean in the Jewish culture; the woman because she is bleeding and the child because she is dead. These are not people the Jews would have expected Jesus to give his attention to. 

After the woman touches Jesus, he says to her, “Courage, daughter, your faith has saved you.” He moves beyond any public persona or perception to welcome her as family. Her faith is not merely an act, it is a gift which makes her a child of God. Jarius’ daughter had passed before he even approached Jesus. But Jesus is not dismayed. He sends away the mourners and takes her by the hand to lead her back to her father. His touch has healed her.

We have each been there at some point or another. Like the woman, we have experienced illness or tragedy that has left us feeling separated from the rest of society. We feel cut off and alone with whatever is befalling us. We may feel dead inside and unable to connect to others.

Our healing comes through touch, in relationships. Jesus doesn’t only heal physical ills, he heals us through an intimate relationship, being so loved and cherished that everything in our world changes. Whatever name our parents gave us, whatever befalls us in this life, Jesus’ touch, his gentle calling of, “Daughter” or “Son” restores us to a profound relationship which surpasses grief, tragedy or illness. 

We are called to be in relationship, both with God and with one another. May we, like the woman and like Jarius, open ourselves up to Jesus’s healing and restoring touch. May we, like Jesus, open ourselves up to relationships with those outside our normal circle. May He work His healing touch through us. 

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Daily Reading


Saint of the Day


Our Lady of Mount Carmel

According to the traditions of the Carmelite order, on July 16, 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock and revealed to him the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
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