When my oldest son was four years old, he was playing one day in our tiny fenced-in yard. I had the front door open and was keeping an eye on him when a service man pulled up in a van and approached the neighbor’s house. I heard my son say hi to him and then ask the man what his name was. “John,” he replied. My son responded in an almost accusatory sing-song voice, “Oh, like John the Baptist?” The young man told my son that he shouldn’t be rude, and although I could understand the fellow’s knee jerk reaction to my son’s mocking tone, I thought that his comment was quite a compliment since John the Baptist is a hero in our family.

Of course my young son did not fully understand John the Baptist’s role, though he knew he was a “good guy” and was Jesus’ cousin, but what I love is the fact that the name of St. John was on my son’s lips. He had an Uncle John and a grandpa named John, but the moment he heard the name John, he thought of John the Baptist. The stories of John the Baptist and other Biblical people, as well as the lives of the saints, modern and ancient, were capturing my son’s imagination. 

These stories are life-giving “food” to a child’s soul. Grown-ups have the power and responsibility to supply children with this “food,” so that they can grow strong with a truthful, reality-based perception of themselves, the world, and God. The wrong stories can poison and warp a child. And while there are many quality secular stories offered to our children, the best spiritual nourishment is the organic stuff of salvation history, and what God has been doing in the hearts and minds of real individuals for thousands of years. These stories not only teach children about salvation history, but they also help young people of this generation to believe that God can and will work powerfully in their lives too. 

My son is now grown, and his 2- year-old son has been taught about the saints by his own parents. Recently he’s been calling everyone “Faustina.”  I couldn’t be happier!

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