The Lord is always inviting, always giving, always guiding. He invites us into His Mission, He gives us all we need to fulfill our part of it, and He is always guiding us in the surprising paths to achieve it!

He invited the 72 disciples to participate in this Mission in a particular way, gave them what they needed, and then they rejoiced in what they had been able to do in His Name. Jesus then gently guides their hearts to rejoice rightly because their “names are written in heaven.” He reminds them to rejoice in the grace of their call and cooperation, not so much in what they have done, because it is not THEY who have done it, but the Lord working through them: “I have given you the power…”

Turning to the Father, Jesus also rejoices in what the 72 have been able to do, but his joy is directed to the Father in gratitude; he is teaching them to do the same, to remember that their effectiveness and ultimate fruitfulness depend on God’s initiative and grace working in them and through them. They are mere children of the Father, but called to a glorious work and inheritance, if they remember to acknowledge the source of all true power and greatness. Those who consider themselves “learned and clever” and do things based on their own power and greatness cannot bear fruit that lasts; in fact, unless they learn true humility, they will cave in on themselves and achieve little in the long run.

It is no different for us. By our Baptism, we are invited to participate in Christ’s Mission in the world. God is always giving us all we need to fulfill our role in the Mystical Body of Christ and the Spirit of God never ceases to guide us and fill us and empower us for this mission. For our part, we must be open – whatever we sincerely open to God, He will fill! We must be willing to say YES to His invitation – our gift of freedom allows us to say no! We must recognize that whatever we accomplish in His Name is not fully our own – every good work comes through our surrender to His power in our lives! And we must seek His will and allow ourselves to be awed by the paths He calls us to walk – He is a God of surprises!

Like those Jesus called in the Gospel, we too are personally called to walk with him in humility and gratitude. To be salt for what would otherwise become tasteless and rotten, and to be light to every darkened place in this world.

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Saint Faustina Kowalska

Saint Faustina Kowalska, celebrated for her profound messages of God’s mercy, experienced mystical visions and revelations, ultimately canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1993.
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