Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” (Mk 10:21) 

 Particularly in today’s society, we tend to center ourselves around instant gratification. The newest trends that money can buy hold a constant allure since we can get them off Amazon with just the click of a mouse. Yet most are afraid or ignorant of what to expect after death. Heavenly treasures await us if we are not first distracted by the false riches we may be exposed to here on Earth. Food, material possessions and earthly comforts are temporary, whereas reliance on Christ allows for eternal salvation. 

Those who by worldly standards are considered first today may be last tomorrow at Christ’s second coming. The Litany of Humility has always helped keep me grounded, reiterating the importance of loving others rather than seeking that love that we desire for ourselves. As Christians, we must ask ourselves if we take the time to tend to those most in need and live in service first to one other. 

We must recall the big picture, that as Christians we have the blessing to be able to spend eternity in the presence of God’s great love, if we choose to emulate that love during the short time we have here on Earth. This is best demonstrated by the love Christ displays for us poor sinners by dying on the cross. Instead of seeking comfort and security we are called to depend on God always, following His example of love. 

Ultimately, we must never be afraid to break open our hearts in front of others for Christ. The life of a Christian is often going to be messy. If we’re not suffering alongside Christ, we are not giving our all to Him. We must take up our cross, and not hold back nor be ashamed. The Lord is worth so much more than the sum of our fears and doubts. And in the end, He does not demand much at all. Simply that we love Him with all our heart and love our neighbor as ourselves. 

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