There is something captivating about tossing stones into a pond or lake. Maybe it is the disappearance of the stone as it plops into the water, perhaps it’s the splash. If there are siblings or friends involved, often a contest quickly develops for who can throw their stone furthest or get the most skips on the surface. No matter what the game or number of players, the ripples in the water dance and spread out in wider circles. Even a single stone can create many ripples that disturb the surface of the water.

In today’s Gospel, we can see in action the ever widening circle of Jesus’ effect in Capernaum and Galilee. First, Jesus heals Simon’s mother-in-law. It is personal and intimate. One of Jesus’ closest disciples had a family member in need. But no stone enters the water without a rippling effect. By the evening, Jesus was healing many who were sick and in need. The following day, even though Jesus had gone off on his own to pray, the disciples still sought Him out. Together, they continued on to the different towns and villages throughout Galilee. Ripples upon ripples. 

Jesus was one person. He is God, so of course He was able to do anything. But He came to us as a defined human who still had to eat and sleep. He was one stone, splashing through the surface of the water. One stone, however, that is still creating new ripples and patterns in our lives today. 

Jesus fundamentally changed the reality of humanity when he entered the world. His Incarnation, time on earth, and culminating in his Passion, death and Resurrection, restored humanity to right relationship with God. We are able to enter heaven because of Jesus. We are able to call God Father, to communicate intimately with Him in prayer, because of Jesus. We are able to receive the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit because of Jesus. 

Just as a lake or pond changes when a stone is thrown in, the whole world changed when Jesus came into it. When we allow Him to enter our lives, we too, are fundamentally changed. And when we let Him move and work through us, we become another stone whose ripples can continue spreading out into the world around us. 

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