Today as we celebrate Saint Sharbel we hear the parable of the sower. This parable should be quite familiar to most of us. It ends by telling us that when seed is sown in good ground it grows well and produces good fruit. By now, we know that the sower is really God. 

If you have or have had children, hopefully you know that they are like little sponges wanting to know more about God. I do know something about this as my wife and I have raised eight children. I probably have mentioned this before, but I was touched by the Lord at four years old. It came about because the pastor’s wife of the local Free Methodist Church would pick me up on Sunday mornings to go to Sunday school. We would sit on a rug in the basement of the church facing a felt board which was used to tell Bible stories. My eyes must have been the size of saucers, I was so excited to hear the story. I was one of those little guys that wanted to hear more and more. The parable of the seed tells us that good things happen when a child is nurtured in the things of the Lord. I was being taught Bible stories and I loved it!

Saint Sharbel was a model of holiness for all of us. At three years old, his dad died and he was raised by his uncle. Fast forward twenty years and he entered a monastery at age 23. He kept a strict fast and was helpful to whoever he met. For approximately 22 years, he lived the life of a hermit. He wanted to spend his time being immersed in God. And he did. 

Perhaps we can ask ourselves what it would take for us to be all in. Impossible you say? For many I would say yes, it is. But, what about you and what about me? What is holding us back? For many it is too much stuff. Or, it could be one of the thousands of distractions that keep us away from the Lord. He is waiting for us to turn our face toward His and listen to Him so He can guide us.

Serving with joy!

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