There are several stories in Scripture that tell us that the Lord is coming soon and we should be ready, really ready. Today’s readings certainly point to that! For example, in the Gospel Jesus says, “You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Are you tired of hearing it? We need to remind ourselves that the Lord God wants all of us to be with Him at the end of our time on earth.

Remember Noah? He must have been very tight with the Lord, to give him a job that would save him and his family! What was going on when the Lord spoke to Noah? Well, It seems the whole world was partying down. So Noah listened to the Lord instead of putting Him on the back burner. When he started the ark, he was surely mocked and verbally abused and laughed at. I think I remember a song called: You and Me Against the World. Are you and I against the world? Do we ponder what might be coming? 

Noah had quite a job to do! Do you remember what kind of wood the Lord told him to build it out of? Gopher wood. Guess what? According to the experts there was no gopher wood in that area. I have no idea how he pulled it off. It took many years to complete the ark. As you may know there is a life-size model of the ark down in Kentucky. It is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high. If this is a duplicate of what Noah built, then all I can say is, “Wow!”

Let’s take a look at what Noah had to do. First of all he had to be obedient and to take God’s word to his heart. Then he went into action, for a very long time. He saved his family but not the rest of the world. They were too busy with their daily lives and all the things that they were involved in, good and bad. Does any of that sound like what is going on today? Trust me, you are not going to get what you need from the daily news broadcast. But I think you already know that. I trust that you and I are going to give this “being ready” thing some serious pondering.

Today is the feast day of Saint John of Capistrano. I’ve heard his name many times but did not know much about him. I highly recommend that you Google him and search for his bio. You will be amazed. One thing that he did was to lead an army against the Ottomans when he was 70 years old! Wow! May we imitate St. John’s willingness to live for Christ and be ready whenever He calls us. 

Serving with joy! 

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