Well, the day has arrived. I made it. I have reached the point of true middle age. I am now 45 years old. And now that I have, what should I do with that? Should I run off and have me an honest to goodness mid-life crisis? Should I start noticing every new gray hair that appears on my head? Should I stare intently at my face in the mirror and become discouraged that the wrinkles appear deeper and more pronounced? Should I throw healthy eating out the window and just let myself go, justifying it with the fact that I am closer to death now anyway? 

All of these questions may sound absolutely ridiculous, but in some way, shape or form, I am pretty sure most of us who are getting older have dealt with negative feelings regarding these issues. Age comes without warning and we cannot stop it. We cannot turn back the clock no matter how many face creams we apply or hair dyes we use. We cannot avoid the sagging muscles or the creaking bones that just seem to not want to move as much. But even in all of this, God is there. 

God allows us to age and He understands its implications. Although perhaps it could have been avoided if Adam and Eve had not sinned, it is all part of His plan. He is there with us during every moment we are tempted toward discouragement or despair. Our sadness can turn to joy as we accept each coming day with grace and even a sense of humor. Even now, I am joking with my husband about buying walkers instead of cars when we are elderly, and he says “Hey, walkers are sporty. They don’t have a roof, just like a convertible!” 

I think one of the most important things to remember as we age is to continue our journey with the Lord. Although we may not be able to walk as much physically, we must persevere in our walk with God. We can remember to praise him through the storms of life, just as our Psalm declares: “I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart…Great are the works of the LORD…gracious and merciful is the LORD…” We can remember the words of Jesus when he says “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters” and continue to try to bring as many souls to him as possible. We can look heavenward instead of inward when we experience pain or trials. 

Yes, our God is with us always, whether we are 1 or 100, and that is reason enough to rejoice!

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