“But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God.”
We are on the threshold of a new year yet still in the midst of the celebration of the birth of Our Lord, the Word made Flesh, God-with-us, Jesus, Prince of Peace and King of Kings.
These days around Christmas and New Years are often punctuated with more than the usual religious observance. Those who never come to Church except at Christmas have been flooded with the light of the Star and the radiance of the Child’s face, perhaps without even being aware that what they so deeply long for has been bestowed on them as a gift. Those of us who celebrate the Eucharist more often, or even weekly, have somehow had our hearts moved by the telling anew of the story that God so loved us that he chose to reach into our lives, to intervene in the history of humanity, in order to claim us as his children.
To “accept him” implies that someone else has given us something—or Someone—and we have the choice of receiving this gift. Every Advent-Christmas Season we take time to ponder and wonder at how God has chosen us before we have chosen him. How foolish are we who act as though we possessed the higher authority to tell God whether he was acceptable to us or not! No. We who were completely unacceptable were received by God through a free act of his mercy.
Christmas reminds us, as does the Prologue of John read at Mass today, that God’s love to us is completely unmerited, often unsought, sometimes not accepted. Yet God, year after year reminds us of his free choice for us, his marvelous gift, his magnanimous generosity to shower us with grace upon grace.
I like to think of Christmas as a rehearsal for our performance in the upcoming new year. At Christmas we rehearse in a sacred season what we should live out in the more profane spaces of our life. God chooses us and we learn to choose others in love and self-sacrifice in the world. God comes to us in the vulnerability and humility of a Babe, and we find the courage to proclaim and to live the beauty of virtues that have been rejected by the society around us. God lifts us up and we find ourselves seeking ways to lift up the world around us, the people, nature, media, so that others might one day receive and accept what we have been so extravagantly given, we who do not deserve such generosity.
And finally, with our eyes shining with the radiance of the Star and the beauty of the Child’s Face we proclaim that there is more to life than what we see around us, what impinges on our wellbeing, what threatens our futures. God cares. God is here. God gives himself to us that we might be saved even from our very selves. And that is why today we say both Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Daily Reading
Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church
Readings for the Memorial of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church Reading 1 1 John 2:22-28 Beloved: Who is the liar? Whoever denies…
Saint of the Day
Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
The Feast of the Holy Name celebrates Jesus’ name, meaning “Yahweh is salvation,” and emphasizes continuous veneration and love for the Savior.
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