I’ve recently had some remodeling done in my home. My dwelling place is a sound structure. Built in the mid 70’s, wear and tear in the space turned into something that was potentially dangerous, damaging and costly. It became glaringly apparent that it was time to keep the good and get rid of things that stifled my life and wellbeing.

The parable in today’s Gospel is similar. Jesus compared heaven to the man who planted good seed and while all were asleep an evil man sowed weeds in his field. The servants noticed the weeds and asked if they should pull them up. The master said to leave them until the harvest so the good in the field didn’t get destroyed.  When it was time to harvest, they were to gather the weeds first for burning and save the good.

I knew I wasn’t going to strip my condo down to the studs and throw out everything I own. I’ve been fairly productive and many good things have happened during the years I’ve lived in my home. When I noticed bad situations arising, I adjusted in order to be fruitful, aware that a more permanent change would be needed soon. The Alleluia verse from James 1:21 illustrates these situations, “(Therefore, put away all filth and evil excess and) humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.”

A field, a home, or a soul created with the divine seed is good and pleasing, rooted in love. I knew I had to get rid of the bad and non-productive parts of my life. I had to acknowledge there were things or habits that had to be removed both emotionally and physically. Doing so allowed me to grow in a way that was pleasing to the Divine Sower.

Lord, grant me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind to acknowledge and accept your Divine Word planted in me. Help me to continue on the path to heaven in your Divine Light. Amen.

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Daily Reading


Saint of the Day


Saint Pantaleon

Accused of Christianity during Emperor Diocletian’s persecution, he gave all to the poor, faced torture, refused to recant, and was martyred.
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