Have you ever witnessed something and not quite believed your eyes?

That seems to be the case in today’s Gospel when the disciples ask Jesus what the scribes meant by saying Elijah had to come first. Many signs were being worked in their midst, yet the scribes refuse to believe that Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah. If they don’t believe John the Baptist’s call to conversion as the one preparing the way of the Lord (Lk. 3:4), why would they believe Jesus is the Messiah? 

While we don’t live in the days that Jesus walked the earth as a human being, we do get to see His hand and his glory in everything that surrounds us. A magnificent sunrise, the intricate design of flowers, a refreshing gentle breeze… all these things point to the glory of God. 

How often do we witness these gifts and not stop to acknowledge and embrace the signs that God has given us? Do we believe what we see? And do we live like we believe? Or are we witnesses of these things and don’t quite believe our eyes?

Today, as we journey ever closer to the coming of Christ at Christmas, let us pray for eyes that truly see the glory of God before us, ears that hear His word, and hearts that fully embrace the message of salvation. 

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