We must have complete freedom to follow Christ. 

I’ve had a deep love for our Lord from a very young age when our home was only half a block away from our family Church. I was a dedicated altar server. If the priest or nun asked me to help with anything for the Church, I was all over it. In my bedroom, there was a corner that looked like a small chapel. Any money that I made cutting grass or received from my allowance, I would ask my Mom or Dad to take me to our local religious goods store so that I could buy more Catholic items.  I really loved our Lord and anything that represented His Church.

In the 8th grade I began to wonder if I was called to the vocation of priesthood. At the time, it seemed to me I didn’t get the support I needed to follow this path from my family or the other adults around me. This lack of support meant I wasn’t free to follow this vocation. 

This was also about the same time my parents decided to get divorced. I remember riding my bike to Church and praying, asking for God’s help to not let my parents get divorced. It felt like my prayers fell on deaf ears. In my teenage mind, I ended up very angry at the Church. My anger prevented me from being free to follow a priestly vocation. 

I was set to enter a Catholic high school. I asked my mom if I could go to a public high school instead. Because I was still mad at God, I wanted to cut that part of myself out. My friends, sports and dabbling on the wild side of life a little bit left me unhappy most of the way through high school. Focusing on earthly things meant I wasn’t free to follow a vocation.

But God had a plan and when I went to college, my roommate was Catholic. I never opened up to him about my faith but he and his girlfriend always asked me to go to church with them. I would graciously decline…until one Saturday I agreed. I felt like I was home again.

It was also about this time that I met the most loving, beautiful woman in the world who wasn’t Catholic. But again, God had a plan. After college, we got married and she joined the Church. As time went on my love for the Lord grew. Since my love for God was free to grow again, the thoughts of a vocation began to grow again too. 

I am happy to say the Lord is #1 in my life again (my wife is a close second) and by the time you read this, God willing, I will have been ordained a Permanent Deacon for the Catholic Church. I think it will be the greatest honor and most humbling moment of my life. But none of it would have happened if I hadn’t freed myself from my ties to this life, so that I was free to follow when I was called. 

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Saint of the Day


Saint Alexis

Saint Alexis is patron of Beggars and the Homeless. He was the only son of a rich Roman senator who gave up his wealth. He was known as “The Man of God.”
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