Do you have friends who are more like family?

I’ve known some people in my life who I’m pretty sure I’m actually related to. No, we aren’t biological relations, but we laugh and cry and support each other so much you’d think that we were “cut from the same cloth.” 

But, I really am related to them. 

When Jesus says, “Whoever does the will of God in Heaven is my mother and my brother,” we know that we are God’s adoptees. Through word and deed, in action and speech, in truth and in love, the rest of the world will know that we are Christians. We become automatically related to God when we confess our sins and cry out, “Abba, Father!”

Today, let us go to the Father and remember our place in the family as sons and daughters of God. Let us claim the crown of adoption. And let us delight in the love of our Father as only little children can do.

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