“Come to me.” The words of a lover. Powerless words. Vulnerable words. The one who says them must wait upon the response of the one to whom they are addressed. “Will you come to me?” The loved one must answer “yes” or “no”. If they answer “yes” then the love of Jesus has triumphed and Jesus can open his heart completely to pour out the fullness of the life he shares with the Father. If the answer is “no” and the love is refused then the gift of love has met with a tragic end. 

Ultimately, the Father and the Son’s invitation to the world, inviting each person into their eternal loving and living and giving is, in fact, limited only by human refusal. As soon as we say our “Yes” to Jesus, we discover that the pressures that weigh on us from both the world and our own selves begin to fade away. We are let in on the “secret,” so to speak, of the mystery Jesus came to reveal to us. 

We begin to see how we receive all from the Father, every last thing that we are and have and accomplish. In Jesus we see the way to live in relation to the Father: in blessing and thanksgiving, in worship and wonder. We make the astounding discovery that the world truly has no power over us when we make our home in God.

Jesus invites you today and every day, in situations of joy and in pain, in laughter and in tears, in circumstances that demand outstanding courage and those that require a humble peace, “Come to me!” Jesus stands at the door of our hearts as a beggar, but—oh!—how much joy fills his heart when we reach out our hand to take his, to go with him wherever he leads.

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Saint of the Day


Saint Bruno of Segni

Saint Bruno of Segni was a Benedictine bishop, serving as Vatican librarian and cardinal legate. He was called to Rome where his counsel was sought by four successive popes.
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