**This reflection has been reposted from Diocesan Archives.**

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus is sharing with his disciples that if they know Him, then they know the Father. Philip goes on to say, “Master, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us.” I’m glad that Philip said this, for it is why Jesus expands on the fact that He and the Father are one. He shares that the very words He speaks are not on His own, but with the Father, who dwells within Him. 

Jesus goes on to say that whoever believes in Him will do even greater works since He is going to the Father. He said that whatever you ask in His name, He will do so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. He said, “If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.”

What does this good news mean for you and me today? As I’m sure you know, there is much suffering and fear of the unknown in the world today. Personally, the unknown aspect can really get to me. I’m someone who loves having a plan or an idea of what the future can or should look like. I constantly have to remind myself that God is in control as I loosen my grasp on these plans or ideas of life. 

When I reflected on this Gospel passage and how it is good news today, I found that Jesus is comforting us in His word. He expands upon the reality that He is completely united to the Father and anything we ask in His name, He will do it. Does that mean He will give me anything I ask for? I’m not too sure about that, but I know He gives us what we need. So today, what do you need? Comfort, strength, courage? Ask for a particular need or grace in His name. We can trust that His Word is true. He is faithful to His promises, and He always pulls through for us.

Daily Reading


Saint of the Day


Saint Rose Venerini

Saint Rose Venerini, born in 1656, was a dedicated educator who founded schools for girls and inspired the Venerini Sisters congregation. Canonized in 2006.
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