My husband and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary. It’s a chance to consider the importance of a sacramental marriage and its indissolubility. Marriage is commitment and a road of obedience to both the other and God. 

Jesus has strong words on marriage in today’s Gospel, emphasizing that marriage is not to be taken lightly. This has been our experience as well – weathering the natural ebbs and flows of a lifelong relationship and commitment with another person. When I got engaged, my mother (who has been married to my father for 58 years) told me that there would be times when I could walk away and possibly feel no regrets but that’s not what marriage is. In other words, it can be darn stinking hard sometimes, but marriage is pushing through and coming out on the other side stronger. 

I believe Jesus underlined the importance of marriage because he also knew how critical it is for children to be in a family. I understand that sometimes really crummy things happen and that’s not possible. Thankfully, the Church has ways of assisting. But I also know that a healthy marriage helps build healthy children. A sacramental marriage with God at its center helps grow faithful children. I’ve met a decent number of young adults who didn’t have this model who have shared that they value seeing my husband and I be a married couple and they appreciate that we share the good, the bad,and the goofy with them. It comforts them to know that a long term, happy, healthy marriage is possible. 

As always, Jesus sets the bar high but doesn’t abandon us. I know for a fact that we have only been able to keep this thing going for 30 years because of humility and God’s good grace. 

What do Jesus’ words on marriage mean to you in your particular situation?

Jesus, help me keep you at the center of my marriage and grant me the grace to be a good spouse. 

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Saint of the Day


Saint Irenaeus

Saint Irenaeus was an Early Church Father who exposed Gnosticism through influential writings, defending and preserving the Catholic faith.
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