Last fall I began working at a Christian facility with a homey, country feel to it. The basic structures were all built in a log cabin style and the grounds were truly an oasis. One of their favorite lines is “It’s the best place to do nothing.” But as the fall became winter, those wooden structures began to feel awfully chilly. Something had to be done to keep our fingers from freezing on our keyboards. 

During these days I grew in appreciation for an old fashioned wood fire. My first time trying to make one was a big fail, but after learning a few pointers from my coworkers, I got it to burn for an hour or so. I loved watching those flames dance around and enjoyed the instant warmth that accompanied it. Around the same time, my toddler had learned a new word, which fit so well. “Mommy, that’s so cozy!” she would tell me as I wrapped a blanket around her and read to her on my lap. The fire was indeed cozy as well. 

But it also got me thinking about the fire within. As we read from the Acts of the Apostles during this Easter season, we witness again and again how their hearts burned within them. Nothing stopped them from preaching and teaching, sharing and caring. They tirelessly traveled miles upon miles by horseback or on foot, by land or sea to reach those who had not yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

How is your fire burning? Is it like mine was those first couple tries? Does it ignite right away only to snuff out just as quickly? Does it take a little coaxing but eventually burn brightly? Is it a steady blaze that brings warmth to all around it? 

Let us heed Jesus’ invitation today: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” God can turn our flame into a burning fire. Our faith should be something we live, move and breathe. It should dictate our daily decisions and our everyday actions, for Jesus clearly states: “I am the way, and the truth and the life.” 

May your flame burn brightly today and each day, so that others may feel the warmth of God’s love in you and glorify Him. 

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Daily Reading


Saint of the Day


Saint Angelus of Jerusalem

Angelus, born in 1185 Jerusalem to Jewish parents, was among the earliest Carmelites in Sicily. Killed by non-believers, he’s Sicily’s revered patron.
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