Does it amaze you that in Scripture, you hear the truths that people today find fascinating? I suppose I find it more amazing that we don’t go first to God’s Word when we need to solve our problems. 

As I read today’s readings, I was reminded of something I read which stated that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I think it would be helpful to discern who you spend time with on a regular basis. Then, ask the next question: What do you spend time doing when you are with them? 

The scribe in the Gospel chose not to follow him after Jesus pointed out the lack of comfort in the lifestyle of an itinerant preacher. The man chose not to follow him, not because of his parents, but because it would require him to make changes. His life would be different. The company he keeps and the way he spends his time, money, and energy would change. The man’s entire life would be upended by following Jesus! 

What about us? Have we given our all as followers of Jesus? In the first reading and the Psalm, there are many examples of sin. God rebukes the sinners and reminds them that saying the right thing is not the same as doing the right thing. As believers, we are called to praise God and live according to his word.  We are called to be in community with others who do the same. It is also our reminder to spend time with the Word. It is within Scripture that we will find the timeless truths of God. When we are silent after reading Scripture, we can reflect on how to apply those truths to our daily lives.  

In the Gospel today, there is that sense that we can get to Jesus later when the demands of life are not so burdensome. In my own life, I have seen time and time again the fallacy of that thought. When my life is exploding all over the place, if I do not spend time in the Word, I start exploding too, and that causes more difficulties, not less. Don’t wait. Be “all in” as followers of Jesus. 

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